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Tour cancelled; EPC meeting by teleconference May 23

  • 5/12/2017 9:26:00 AM
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DES MOINES –With few items on the May 23 agenda, the Environmental Protection Commission has cancelled plans for a pre-meeting educational tour in Clayton County. Instead they will meet by conference call. 

Commissioners will swear in new commissioners, elect officers and consider adjusting the air quality emissions fee. DNR is asking to increase Title V emissions fees from $67.50 to $70 per ton of emissions emitted. Based on budget information commissioners received in March, DNR’s Title V air quality program faces a projected shortfall of approximately $1.6 million dollars. The increase would generate an additional $250,000 in revenue. DNR will reduce spending to address the remaining shortfall.

The Title V program is required under the federal Clean Air Act to regulate facilities that are major sources of air pollutants. It is historically funded by fees paid for each ton of air pollutant emitted. As companies improve air quality emission controls, emissions have dropped by 21 percent since last year. The projected drop in emissions resulted in a decrease in revenues to run this area of the air quality program.  

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. and is open to the public. Due to teleconference logistics, public comments will be accepted on the air quality fee schedule only.  Please contact Jerah Sheets by mail or email,, before the meeting. To call in to the teleconference, dial 866-685-1580, then dial the conference code of 4510673319 when prompted.

The complete agenda follows:

  • Approval of Agenda
  • Election of Officers
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Monthly Reports
  • Public Participation
  • Director’s Remarks
  • Air Quality: Fee Schedule
  • General Discussion
  • Items for Next Month’s Meeting
  • June 20 – EPC Business Meeting, Windsor Heights
  • July 18 – EPC Business Meeting, Windsor Heights

Find agenda details at

Commissioners include Mary Boote, Des Moines, chair; Chad Ingels, Randalia, vice chair; Nancy Couser, Nevada; Howard Hill, Cambridge; Ralph Lents, Menlo; Joe Riding, Altoona; and Bob Sinclair, Sigourney. Chuck Gipp is the director of the DNR. 
