Wiper fry were first stocked into Iowa waters in 1981 at Saylorville reservoir and pool fourteen of the Mississippi River in 1984 to control gizzard shad populations and offer anglers another sport fish. Thanks to improvements in hatchery techniques, additional areas are now stocked. Find striped bass at these locations.
Find baitfish in shallow water in the back portions of bays or flats where warmer water flows into a lake during spring. Hybrid striped bass will be in the closest deep water while resting and then push up into the shallower water pinning schools of baitfish to the bank.
Later in the spring, look for areas where baitfish and white bass spawn. Hybrid striped bass usually are close to white bass. Baitfish spawn in shallow water, giving wipers an advantage to capture prey. If you find large group of baitfish without hybrid striped bass, cast crankbaits or swim baits into the nearest deep water area.
On rivers, look below dams and riffles that block or slow upstream movement of baitfish. These locations can be great places to catch hybrid striped bass. Cast hair jigs tipped with a minnow or twister tails into the current and retrieve them back through the calm water.
As water temperatures reach the 70’s and 80’s, baitfish can be found anywhere in a lake. Schools of hybrid striped bass actively watch for baitfish in bays and deep water in the lake basin. White bass and hybrid striped bass run baitfish along drop-offs on reservoirs. Many of these areas are easy to cross and give shore anglers a chance to catch hybrid striped bass. Troll or cast into the sharp drop offs on shoreline points. If you find aggressively feeding schools of white bass, hybrid striped bass are often just below them; adjust to use a larger and heavier jig or lure.
Find hybrid striped bass in rivers during the summer in deep holes or brush piles along current seams chasing bait fish. Cast crankbaits, rattle traps or jigs along the edge of the brush pile or current seam.
Look for diving flocks of gulls to quickly find schools of hybrid striped bass feeding on the surface.
As water temperatures begin to cool and lake turnover follows, baitfish will come back to the warmest water, usually either deep in the basin, on flats or in bays on sunny days. Hybrid striped bass will feed heavily to prepare for winter. Look to windblown shorelines with scattered rocks or other habitat.
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