Educational Opportunities, Forestry

IRA Trees for Schools Grant

The  IRA Trees for Schools Grant provides reimbursable grants to eligible public and private schools and school districts  to purchase trees, mulch and supplemental watering when school is not in session (June – September).  Eligibility is determined by 25 percent or higher free and reduced lunches and/or schools in communities eligible through the Forest Cover and Socioeconomic Assessment Tool.

A total of $105,000 in funds are available to help increase and diversify tree canopy on school grounds, encourage students to take an active part in planting trees, and increase the benefits trees provide to students.  Grant funding up to $5,000 per project is competitive and non-match.

Application is available online on the Urban Forestry web page.  

Contact Chip Murrow at or 515-822-1031 for questions about the application, reimbursement and rules. Contact Laurie Dams at or 515-782-6414 for application assistance or to set up a site visit.


Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an environmental education program for K-12 students that teaches about trees, forestry, the interrelationships between organisms and their environment, and other ecological concepts. Over 10,000 Iowa educators and youth leaders have participated in PLT workshops throughout the program's history. For more information, or to sign up for a workshop, please visit the PLT Homepage.

PLT Secondary Modules

PLT secondary environmental education modules meet common components of national education reform by using the constructivist approach to learning, whole language teaching, cooperative learning, problem solving, and authentic assessments. The modules are intended for grades 9-12 but can be adapted for older audiences as well.


Available on-line:
Exploring Environmental Issues: Biodiversity
Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk - Biotechnology

Modules in print:
Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Forests
Exploring Environmental Issues: Municipal Solid Waste
Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk
Global Connections: Forests of the World
Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live


Forest News

Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood

Developed with preschool educators and early childhood specialists, this guide is designed for educators who work with children ages 3 to 6. It offers over 130 experiences that engage children in outdoor play and exploration. Topics include exploring nature with five senses, meeting neighborhood trees, and experiencing trees through the seasons. An accompanying CD features music from children's musician Billy B. Brennan that encourages children to sing, dance, and move.

Activities adhere to the guidelines set forth in the national standards for early childhood education – NAEYC Criteria for Curriculum, Head Start Child Outcomes Framework and the NAAEE Early Childhood Environmental Education Guidelines for Excellence. Additional correlations have been drafted to Iowa Early Childhood program and curriculum standards – Quality Preschool Program Standards, Iowa Early Learning Standards, and the Iowa Core Curriculum.

Contact: 515-822-1031