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Beverage Containers Control Law

Iowa's Beverage Containers Control Law, also known as the "Bottle Bill," helps reduce and clean up litter by recovering beverage containers for recycling.

Iowa's bottle bill deposit law covers all carbonated and alcoholic beverages. Consumers pay a five-cent deposit when purchasing a beverage container and receive a five-cent refund when returning the container to a store or redemption center.

Recovery Rate Report for Deposit Beverage Containers

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) contracted with the Container Recycling Institute to calculate the statewide recovery rate of deposit beverage containers covered under the Iowa Beverage Control Law. The 2022 Recovery Rate Report for Deposit Beverage Containers describes the calculation methodology and results of the study. 

DNR hosted a virtual meeting on May 29, 2024 to present a summary of this study along with a second study performed by SCS Engineers that surveyed Iowa recycling facilities to develop a better understanding of existing programs and infrastructure. 

Recovery Rate Report for Deposit Beverage Containers Presentation

2022 Recover Rate Report for Deposit Beverage Containers

2022 Rule Revisions

DNR is seeking informal comment on proposed rule revisions to the Beverage Container Control Rules located in 567 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 107. 

Notice of Intended Action (published 11/2/22)

The rule revisions are intended to:

  • Implement changes made to Iowa Code 455C due to the passage of SF 2378 
  • Provide clarifications
  • Remove outdated provisions.

DNR is no longer accepting public comments related to the proposed rules changes.

Redemption Center Registration

If you wish for your facility to be considered an approved redemption center after January 31, 2024 you must complete and submit the electronic application between January 1, 2024 and January 31, 2024.  The approval requirements no longer require minimum operating hours or agreements with dealers. Therefore, many facilities that were previously considered unapproved redemption centers may now wish to seek approval. Only approved redemption centers will appear in the directory of redemption centers that is provided to the public, dealers, and distributors/manufacturers.

Redemption Center Directory

The redemption centers have until January 31, 2024 to complete the approval process.  The Approved Redemption Center Directory will be updated frequently during this time.

Approved Redemption Center Directory