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Solid Waste Permitting

The DNR regulates the construction, operation and closure of facilities and projects that manage, process and dispose of solid waste. This website provides information and tools to help facilities with the permitting process, including forms, contacts and information on code requirements.

Full listing of permit types

DNR Contact:
Mike Sullivan 

Solid Waste Permitting Web Application

Solid Waste Permitting Web Application tracks permit amendments, renewals and report submittals for solid waste facilities. The application also contains basic facility information such as permit numbers, facility contacts, project locations and permit expiration dates. 

All incoming and outgoing documents are converted to an electronic format and are available for public viewing using the Electronic Document Retrieval Report.

For specific facility information, please contact a Solid Waste Facility Contact

Waiver Request Form

Pursuant to 561 Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 10, Waivers from Administrative Rules, a petitioner must provide comprehensive justification of a proposed request for a waiver to an administrative rule as adopted by the Department.

This form will assist you in providing all pertinent information that is necessary for the Department to grant a waiver. The form must be submitted to the Department and must contain an adequate amount of factual and concise information. The obligation rests with the petitioner to provide convincing evidence to justify the granting of a waiver. You may provide additional information or attach additional pages if needed. The Department reserves the right to require additional information to further support request for a waiver.

LQB Waiver Request Form (542-0004)

1 Appliance Demanufacturing

List of Active ADP Facilities

State Laws and Rules for Appliance Demanufacturing

Application and Reporting Documents

DNR contact:
Susan Johnson

2 Beneficial Use

The Beneficial Use Determinations Program was developed for determining when a solid by-product is a resource and not a solid waste. Solid by-products determined by the Department not to be a solid waste through a beneficial use determination may not be subject to all Sanitary Disposal Project (SDP) permitting requirements. Furthermore, the purpose of this program is to encourage the utilization of solid by-products as resources when such utilization improves, or at a minimum does not adversely affect, human health and the environment.

State Laws and Rules for Beneficial Use Determinations

Application and Reporting Documents

DNR Contact:
Chad Stobbe

3 Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) Collection & Recycling

State Laws and Rules for CRT Collection & Recycling

Application and Reporting Documents:

CRT Collection Facility Registration Information

CRT Recycling Facility Permitting Information

DNR contact: 
Susan Johnson

5 Land Application

The Department has jurisdiction over the disposal of solid waste including the land application of those wastes. The land application of solid wastes requires a specific permit from the Department, unless certain conditions are met which warrant that an exemption be granted.

State Laws and Rules for Land Application of Wastes

IAC Chapter 567-121: Land Application of Wastes

Application and Reporting Documents

Land Application Financial Assurance

Fact Sheet

Land Application of Industrial Waste Fact Sheet

DNR Contact:
Theresa Stiner

6 Landfarming

The purpose of this program is to establish rules for the safe and effective remediation and disposal of petroleum contaminated soil (PCS) through landfarming.

State Laws and Rules for Landfarming

IAC Chapter 567-120: Landfarming of Petroleum Contaminated Soil

Application and Reporting Documents

Single Use Landfarming

Single Use Landfarming Application Form (Form 542-8126)
Single Use Landfarming Application Form (Form 542-8126)
Single Use Landfarm Early Closure Form (Form 542-8160)

Multi-Use Landfarming

Multi-Use Landfarming Application Form (Form 542-8127)
Multi-Use Landfarming Application Form (Form 542-8127)

Landfarming Inspection Form (Form 542-0362)
Landfarming Inspection Form (Form 542-0362)
Landfarming and Storage Notification Form (Form 542-8128)
Financial Assurance

DNR Contact:
Matthew Graesch

7 Municipal and Industrial Landfills

The landfill rules detail any permitting, siting, design, operating, monitoring, corrective action, reporting, record-keeping, closure, and post-closure requirements for sanitary landfills.

State Laws and Rules for Landfills

Landfill Permit Application Forms

Water Quality Sampling, Reporting, and Related Documents

Design and Construction

Reducing / Terminating Post-Closure Care and Environmental Covenants

Solid Waste Fee Reporting Forms

Other Resources

DNR Contact - 

Municipal Landfills:
Mike Smith

Industrial Landfills:
Brian Rath

8 Regional Collection Centers (RCC)

Regional Collection Centers (RCCs) are permanent collection facilities designed to assist the public and Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) businesses with proper management and disposal of household hazardous materials. RCC programs allow households and businesses to safely manage hazardous materials they may have, minimizing the product’s impact on the environment and improving the health and safety of homes and businesses.

Regional Collection Center Permit Documents

DNR contact:
Kathleen Hennings

9 Transfer Stations and Citizen Convenience Center

10 Waste Tire Hauler Registration

Individuals or firms engaged in the hauling of waste tires for a fee must register annually with the Department before hauling waste tires in Iowa, according to Iowa law. this law applies to firms that pick up tires within Iowa or that bring waste tires to Iowa for disposal, storage or processing.

Quick Facts for Waste Tire Haulers:

  • Must register if hauling for a fee, and if carrying more than 40 tires in single load
  • Fee is $50 per year
  • The hauler must post a $150,000 surety bond
  • The hauler must transport tires to a permitted facility for storage, disposal or processing within 72 hours
  • The hauler may not establish any temporary storage, transfer or sorting facilities for the waste tires collected, unless properly permitted

State Laws and Rules for Waste Tire Haulers:

Application and Reporting Documents:

DNR Contact:
Mel Pins

11 Waste Tire Storage and Processing Facilities

Facilities that store, process and recycle waste tires are required to have a permit for their operation through the Department. al facilities must store tires in a manner to reduce risk of fire or environmental impact.

Quick Facts for Waste Tire Facilities:

  • Permit required, $850 annual fee
  • Permitted waste tire storage facilities must carry a bond equivalent to $2.50 per tire stored
  • Permitted tire processing facilities may only store the amount of tires they can process in three working days. additional storage requires a bond of $.85 per tire
  • A permitted processor may only store a maximum of 50,000 tires in any combination of processing capacity or financial assurance
  • Open burning of any type is prohibited at a tire processing/storage facility
  • Tire piles at a permitted storage facility must be 300 feet from the nearest property line
  • Tire piles at a tire processing facility must be 50 feet from any property line or building on site

State Laws and Rules for Waste Tire Storage / Processing Facilities

Application and Reporting Documents

DNR Contact:
Mel Pins

Interactive Landfill Map

The new interactive landfill map of all operating / active and closed landfills, including waste limits and property boundaries when available.  It also includes unpermitted dumps.

When you click on a facility icon, you can access information on the facility, including facility snapshots through the Solid Waste Web Application.  There is also an extensive set of publicly available data layers related to solid waste (topography, public/private wells, geology, etc.)

Full Page Map View