The owner of an animal truck wash facility, other than a small animal truck wash facility, must develop and implement a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP). The NMP must be submitted to the Iowa DNR and granted approval prior to removal of any animal truck wash effluent from the facility. Truck wash only NMPs do not need to complete a Public Notice for the NMP, send a copy to the county or submit any fees with the NMP. The NMP shall be kept onsite and updated as needed to remain current with the operation.
If animal truck wash effluent is comingled with manure, the comingled waste shall be deemed to be manure. The NMP must include information regarding the quantities of manure and truck wash effluent produced at this facility, and sampling results or calculations must be included to determine the appropriate nutrient concentrations for the comingled waste. If the animal truck wash is part of a confinement feeding operation, the truck wash effluent may be included on the Manure Management Plan (MMP) for the site.
The facility owner is required by law to maintain detailed records of effluent applications, sampling results, and any changes made to the NMP. Application records must include weather conditions at the time of application as well as for the 24 hours preceding and following application. Records must be maintained for five years, or for the length of the crop rotation following the year of application, whichever is greater, and must be made available to the Iowa DNR upon request.
Many of the technical requirements for completing the NMP are the same as the confinement MMP (soil samples, yield data, RUSLE2, etc.) so more detailed information on these requirements is found on the confinement MMP page.