1986-2016: Celebrating 30 Achievements for Iowa’s Natural Resources

View the  30 Achievements for Iowa Natural Resources report to find out how Iowa citizens, companies, organizations and agencies have partnered to positively impact quality of life and to preserve our natural heritage, or browse the 30 achievements below:

prairie flowers, reap
1. REAP Rewards

$316 million through the Resource Enhancement & Protection Fund have helped natural resources in 99 counties.

photo of iowa waterfall
5. Groundbreaking Act

The landmark 1987 Groundwater Protection Act was the foundation of some of the most sweeping water protection initiatives in Iowa history.

photo of iowa watershed
9. About the Watershed

A new focus on land practices and partnerships with landowners to fix lakes and streams puts water quality first.

photo of man netting fish
13. World-Class Hatcheries

Iowa’s innovative, nationally recognized hatcheries produce 150 million fish annually stocked in Iowa waters.

photo of household hazardous materials
17. Safely Handle HHMs

More than 51 million pounds of dangerous pollutants have been turned in at Iowa’s 70 new collection centers.

photo of map
21. Iowa on the Map

New mapping technologies have reinvented Iowa’s ability to see and protect resources, especially flood plains.

photo of hog lot
25. Addressing AFOs

Iowa was one of the first states to pass Animal Feeding Operation laws with criteria for air, water and community impacts.

photo of an amphitheater
29. Terrestrial Turnaround

More than 1,000 contaminated sites called “brownfields”-- along with 10 million tires -- have been cleaned up in Iowa.

photo of trout
2. Trout Triumph

The number of naturally reproducing trout streams has gone from six to 45 thanks to landowner water quality efforts.

photo of bald eagle
6. Returning Eagles

Eagles, peregrines, turkeys, swans and otters were rarely seen in Iowa by the mid-1980s. Now these species thrive.

photo of bikers on trail
10. Great Iowa Trail Boom

1,200 new miles of hiking and biking trails now criss-cross the state, increasing health and recreation.

photo of well
14. Plug Up Drainage Wells

More than 60 percent of Iowa’s ag drainage wells have been plugged, eliminating direct pollution to groundwater.

photo of ducks in lake
18. New Lakes, New Outdoor Fun

Eleven new lakes now provide wildlife habitat, fishing, boating and economic development to local areas.

photo of man in prairie
22. Private Lands

Iowa landowners have enrolled more than 4,500 acres into easements and developed conservation practices to protect water and habitat.

photo of man in factory
26. New Way for Business

Dozens of Iowa companies have invested millions of dollars to reduce waste streams and improve energy efficiency profitably.

photo of hunter with dog
30. Citizen Amendments

In two amendments to the Iowa constitution, Iowans voted by huge margins to protect and create funding for natural resources.

3. Cleaning the Air

Iowa industries have reduced two major air pollutants, NOx and SOx, by 43 percent and 60 percent respectively – a huge decrease.

photo of wind turbine
7. Iowa's Wind Energy

Wind energy now accounts for 28.5 percent of Iowa electricity production.

photo of kids recyling
11. Curbside Recycling

2.2 million Iowans now participate in curbside recycling in 644 Iowa communities.

photo of man in canoe
15. Iowa's Watertrails

Paddlers enjoy 915 miles of new water trails and 14 unsafe low-head dams have been renovated to improve paddler access.

photo of young girl planting a tree
19. Iowans Volunteer

Thousands of volunteers have dedicated millions of hours to caring for natural resources.

photo of underground storage tank
23. Digging it Up

A leading pollutant of groundwater, 30,000 underground storage tanks and 5,300 contaminated UST sites have been removed and cleaned up.

photo of an accessible fishing dock
27. Access to Recreation

Iowans with differing physical abilities have more accessibility to enjoy the outdoors.

photo of bison
4. Natural Landscapes

More than 1 million acres of prairies, wetlands and forest have been restored in the last 30 years.

photo of iowa lake
8. Unity in Community

Almost $10 million annually has been invested in 45 Iowa lakes, improving water quality and recreation.

photo of owl in flight
12. Public Land Protects

147,000 new acres of natural areas, parks and forests now provide habitat for wildlife and outdoor recreation like hunting and fishing.

photo of honey creek resort hotel at night
16. Honey Creek Resort

Iowa’s first destination state park along with numerous other new parks now welcome thousands of visitors.

photo of modern building
20. Green Design

More than 100 Iowa buildings have earned LEED certification, the highest national standard for green design.

24. World Class Herd

Iowa has become one of the top deer-hunting spots in the nation due to science-based deer management strategies.

photo of treatment plants
28. Treatment Plants

Sewage treatment improved dramatically in last 30 years through $1.6 billion in facility improvements across Iowa.