Roorda Dairy, LLC
Paullina, IA - O'Brien County
Submit for approval a written Standard Operating Procedures for land application methods, equipment inspections, employee training, manure irrigation methods, and notification of releases; immediately implement the procedure upon approval; pay $30,791.07 in fish restitution; and pay a $8,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7656
Contact: Kelli Book
LBH Partners LLP
Armstrong, IA - Emmet County
Submit the complete manure management plans and pay a $6,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7667
Contact: Kelli Book
Weinfurtner, Anthony
Council Bluffs, IA - Pottawattamie County
Surrender drinking water treatment certifications and do not retest until January 1, 2026; and do not perform any shift operator or operator-in-charge responsibilities until properly recertified.
Consent Order - 7614
Contact: Bradley Adams
Hoogland, Peter Highland Dairy
Maurice, IA - Sioux County
Pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7655
Contact: Kelli Book
Toomsen, James
Geneva, IA - Franklin County
Be properly certified before handling, transporting, any applying manure and pay a $1,500 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7594
Contact: Kelli Book
Cargill, Incorporated
Sioux City, IA - Woodbury County
Complete the work in the compliance plan; submit for approval a Particulate matter (PM)10 and PM2.5 air dispersion modeling analysis that demonstrates compliance with the applicable National Ambient Air Quality Standards; submit all air quality construction permit applications for equipment that requires modification; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7654
Contact: Anne Preziosi
City of Mingo
Mingo, IA - Jasper County
Amended schedule.
Amendment to Consent Order - 5858
Contact: Rachel Zander
Buch, Jeffrey and Susan
Fairfield, IA - Jefferson County
Properly dispose of all remaining solid waste and demolition debris at a landfill and submit disposal receipts and pay a $7,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7638
Contact: Kelli Book
Johnson, James Jim's Sewer Service, L.L.C.
Cherokee, IA - Cherokee County
Maintain a current septic pumper license when engaging in any private sewage disposal system pumping; submit timely applications to renew said license; and pay a $1,250 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7640
Contact: Bradley Adams
Ladenthin, Scot
Quimby, IA - Cherokee County
Pay a $2,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7658
Contact: Kelli Book
Zuniga, Kelly
Conesville, IA - Muscatine County
Cease all future illegal solid waste disposal activity and illegal open burning.
Administrative Order - 7611
Contact: Anne Preziosi
Strief Farms, Inc.
Farley, IA - Dubuque County
Provide documentation that all discharges of manure from the facility through tile lines have permanently ceased; developed a Plan of Action detailing how manure from the facility will be maintained in the storage structures between land application in the future; submit the Plan of Action for approval and immediately implement upon approval; and pay a $7,500 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7598
Contact: Kelli Book
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company
Des Moines, IA - Polk County
Amended Consent Order.
Amendment to Consent Order - 7251
Contact: Anne Preziosi
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company
Des Moines, IA - Polk County
Amended Consent Order.
Amendment to Consent Order - 7251
Contact: Anne Preziosi
West, Gary
Prescott, IA - Adams County
Remove and land apply all liquid manure and manure solids from the earthen lagoon and below-building pits and properly close the animal feeding operation by May 1, 2025; submit a status update on the manure removal by November 15 and March 15, or until the manure has been removed and properly land applied; and pay a stipulated administrative penalty of $5,000.
Consent Order - 7650
Contact: Kelli Book
City of Clarence
Clarence, IA - Cedar County
Amended order.
Amendment to Administrative Order - 6538
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Mid-State Milling, Inc.
Buckeye, IA - Hardin County
Modify the receiving bay to comply with its air quality construction permit and applicable state and federal law; either submit a construction permit application for the unpermitted as-built vent connected to the storage bin or modify the stack to be internally vented; conduct an independent third-party environmental audit to determine the compliance status of all air emitting sources at the facility and submit the audit report to the DNR; the audit report shall document any discovered violations, needed corrective actions, and a schedule for compliance; and pay a $9,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7644
Contact: Anne Preziosi
Chinna, Sean Profuel Three, Inc.
Burlington, IA - Des Moines County
If the underground storage tanks are in service, submit proof within 60 days of compliance with applicable operational laws; or, if the underground storage tanks are not in service immediately remove all regulated substances, submit the "tank closure or change-in-service" form within 30 days, and complete all permanent closure activities within 120 days; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7576
Contact: Bradley Adams
Chinna, Sean S&R Two, Inc.
Burlington, IA - Des Moines County
within 120 days either bring the underground storage tank system back into compliance with applicable law or permanently close it; submit the "tank closure or change-in-service" form within 30 days; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7577
Contact: Bradley Adams
Chinna, Sean S&R Two, Inc.
Burlington, IA - Des Moines County
Within 120 days either bring the underground storage tank system back into compliance with applicable law or permanently close it; submit the "tank closure or change-in-service" form within 30 days; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty
Administrative Order - 7682
Contact: Bradley Adams
Peeters, Daniel Peeters Development Company, Inc.
Davenport, IA - Scott County
Amended Order.
Amendment to Administrative Order - 7540
Contact: Bradley Adams
Iowa Fertilizer Company LLC
Wever, IA - Lee County
Complete the work to retrofit the Ammonia Flare - Front End and Back End to meet the Best Available Control Technology work practice requirements; submit progress reports every six months on compliance projects, including milestone dates, and document instances of startup and shutdown that cause visible emissions at the flares; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7639
Contact: Anne Preziosi
Naeve, Mitch and Rebecca
Humboldt, IA - Humboldt County
Cease all illegal discharges to waters of the state and pay a $1,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7625
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Ten Hoeve Dairy
Waverly, IA - Butler County
Submit a professional engineer statement about the adequacy and effectiveness of the facility's improvements; and pay a $7,000 administrative penalty, with $5,250 of the penalty paid as Supplemental Environmental Project to the Butler County Conservation Board.
Consent Order - 7519
Contact: Kelli Book
Hanson, Zane
Estherville, IA - Dickinson County
Operate and maintain the animal feeding operation in compliance with applicable laws; implement the facility's Plan of Action submitted to the DNR in October 2024, and provide construction updates consistent with the Plan in November 2024, May 2025, November 2025, and May 2026 or until the final construction is completed; and pay a $4,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7603
Contact: Kelli Book
Northend MHP
Dubuque, IA - Dubuque County
Comply with all terms of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit; submit complete discharge monitoring reports in a timely manner; and pay a $3,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7526
Contact: Bradley Adams
Yutzy, Marcus and Lucy
Bloomfield, IA - Davis County
Clean up all solid waste on-site and dispose of it at a permitted facility; provide proof of proper disposal; cease all illegal burning and solid waste disposal; and pay a $3,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7623
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Black Hills/Iowa Gas Utility Company LLC
Council Bluffs, IA - Pottawattamie County
Complete remedial evacuation with off-site disposal; place an asphalt cover over accessible areas; impose an environmental covenant on the property prohibiting certain uses of the property; and conduct groundwater monitoring and provide sampling reports.
Consent Order - 7618
Contact: Kelli Book
Center Fresh Egg Farm L.L.P.
Sioux Center, IA - Sioux County
Complete all wastewater treatment facility upgrades no later than September 2026; submit progress reports on upgrades in March 2025, September 2025, and March 2026; and pay a $5,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7629
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Colo Country Living LLC
Colo, IA - Story County
Submit a facility plan for the wastewater treatment facility upgrades necessary to comply with final effluent limitations contain in its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit; submit monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports; immediately cease improper open burning and solid waste disposal; submit proof of proper disposal of existing solid waste on-site; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7596
Contact: Bradley Adams
City of Randalia
Randalia, IA - Fayette County
Submit a complete National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit application within 60 days and pay a $1,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7616
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Country Living MHP LLC, Ignite Communities, Crown Communities, Kodiak Property Management
Altoona, IA - Polk County
Submit a facility plan by July 2025 for the wastewater treatment facility upgrades necessary to comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit; submit final upgrade plans and specifications by January 2026; complete all upgrade construction by December 2028; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7586
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Royal Flush Truck Wash
Cascade, IA - Jones County
Comply with its treatment agreement effective July 11, 2022; cease all unauthorized land application of wastewater effluent; and pay a $8,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7636
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
The Martin-Brower Co., L.L.C
Mason City, IA - Cerro Gordo County
Post signage near dock storm drains; train employees in proper spill remediation; and pay a $6,500 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7612
Contact: Bradley Adams
Anderson Excavating Co., Inc.
Council Bluffs, IA - Pottawattamie County
Submit a written plan detailing a compliance schedule for the repairs to the leachate control system and establishment of the final cover; the plan must have a completion date of no later than June 1, 2025; submit plan to the DNR and immediately implement upon approval; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7621
Contact: Kelli Book
C&M Hogs LLC
Fort Madison, IA - Lee County
Pay a $3,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7632
Contact: Kelli Book
Dalluge Turkey Farm, LLP
Grafton, IA - Worth County
Pay a $3,000 administrative penalty.
Administrative Order - 7627
Contact: Kelli Book
The Crossing at Pleasant Hill, L.L.C.
Pleasant Hill, IA - Polk County
Comply with all conditions of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit and pay a $9,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7630
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Loes, Jonathan
Cascade, IA - Dubuque County
Develop a plan of action for all of the following: scraped manure management, operation of the solids settling structure, and facility controls that will prevent future discharges; submit the plan of action for approval and immediately implement upon approval; and pay a $4,650 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7641
Contact: Kelli Book
Flynn, Kevin
Wellman, IA - Washington County
Amended penalty and appeal resolution.
Amendment to Administrative Order - 7399
Contact: Kelli Book
Quality Truss & Design, LLC
Bloomfield, IA - Davis County
Ease all illegal solid waste disposal activities and open burning; collect, containerize, and properly dispose of all remaining solid waste materials on-site at a permitted solid waste disposal facility or recycling facility and submit copies of disposal receipts; and pay a $5,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7617
Contact: Anne Preziosi
Climax Molybdenum Company
Fort Madison, IA - Lee County
Comply with its maintenance plan; install, certify, and operate a permanent sulfur dioxide monitoring system, carbon dioxide or oxygen monitoring system, and flow meter on the emission point ST20 stack; comply with its construction permits; submit the Title V emission inventories for 2011 through 2019 and pay Title V emission fees on 622 tons of unreported sulfur dioxide emissions; and pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7599
Contact: Anne Preziosi
Bolhmann, Jake Kevin Anderson Revocable Trust Janet Anderson Revocable Trust
Tipton, IA - Cedar County
Submit documentation demonstrating the legal ownership of the facility; submit the 2024 manure management plan and annual compliance fee; and pay a $3,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7633
Contact: Kelli Book
Boyer, Jeff
Oakville, IA - Des Moines County
Cease all illegal discharges to waters of the state; submit a written report of the spill as required by law; timely report all spills in the future; and pay a $8,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7628
Contact: Carrie Schoenebaum
Tomk, Joe
Carroll, IA - Carroll County
Pay a $2,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7631
Contact: Kelli Book
Flores-Castillo, Raul Virginia Flores
Albia, IA - Monroe County
Amended basin closure plan.
Amendment to Consent Order - 7538
Contact: Kelli Book
Eichelberger Farms, Inc.
Washington, IA - Washington County
Pay a $3,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7634
Contact: Kelli Book
PMI Porkin LLC
Paullina, IA - O'Brien County
Addition of a payment plan.
Amendment to Consent Order - 7530
Contact: Kelli Book
Darrel Schipansky
Villisca, IA - Montgomery County
Pay a $10,000 administrative penalty.
Consent Order - 7643
Contact: Kelli Book
Gohlinghorst, Shawn
Villisca, IA - Montgomery County
Pay a $10,000 administrative penalty
Consent Order - 7642
Contact: Kelli Book